The Women’s Ministry of First Presbyterian is excited to invite all ladies to an afternoon with Kari Kampakis. Kari Kampakis is an author, podcaster, national speaker, and the mother of four girls. She is from Birmingham, AL, and her bestselling books for moms and girls have been used widely across the country for small groups studies and are available everywhere books are sold. Mothers of all ages and girls (Grades 5th – 12th) join us for an afternoon of fun, faith and fellowship as Kari shares God’s truth.
Sunday, August 13th , from 2:00 – 4:00 pm in the FPC Sanctuary
Event Cost: Free!
However, if you have a little one that you need childcare for, we have a childcare fee of $5
When & Where?
Sunday, August 13th from 2:00-4:00 pm at First Presbyterian Church in Starkville, MS
1 p.m. - Doors Open
2 p.m. - Secrets of Sisterhood/What Girls Should Know About Friendship
Break/Door prizes
3 p.m. -
Mothers, Grandmothers, & Mentors: in the Sanctuary for Mercy and Being a Light in a Dark World
Daughters: Break out into grades for panel discussions on general topic of friendship, how to find friends, how to be a good friend, and what to do when you feel left out
4 p.m. Book Signing & Fellowship
Directions & Parking?
Parking entrances are on either side of the Main Building, off Jackson Street, and through MSU Enrichment Center.
General Parking is available on University Drive, the Cadence Bank side of the Main Building (west side), Cadence Bank parking lots on Sunday, and behind FPC buildings.
Handicap and/or Special Needs Parking spots are located on both sides of our building.
Our elevator is through the double doors of the Main Building between the main Building and Church Office buildings (covered breezeway).
Visitor parking spots are located on the Cadence Bank side of the Main Building
Parking is limited so please carpool with friends and family.
Registration Cost
This event is FREE!
However, if you have a little one that you need childcare for we have a childcare fee of $5
Additional Questions?
Please email us anytime with your questions at We will work to respond to all emails within 48 hours of receiving your questions. Or call us at 662-323-1994.
Registration is Closed! We look forward to August 13th!
We will also be hosting an FPC Women's Social on August 12 at overstReet Porperties!
Join the FPC Women on Saturday, August 12 for a time of fellowship & food!
Where? Overstreet Properties: 201 E Main Street
When? 5 PM - 7 PM
Please sign up below if you’re coming so we can plan accordingly!
Kari’s Biography
Kari Kampakis is an author, speaker, podcaster, and newspaper columnist from Birmingham, Alabama.
Her books for teen girls, 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know and Liked: Whose Approval Are You Living For, and her bestselling books for moms, Love Her Well and More Than a Mom, have been used widely across the country for small group studies.
Kari’s work has been featured on The TODAY Show, TODAY Parents, Focus on the Family, EWTN, Bethany Hamilton’s Mother/Daughter ‘Ohana Program, Yahoo! News, Grown & Flown, FaithGateway, Jesus Calling, Your Teen,, For Every Mom, Love What Matters, Ann Voskamp’s blog, The Huffington Post, Thrive Global, and other national outlets. She and her husband, Harry, have four daughters and a dog named Lola.
Learn more by visiting or finding Kari on Instagram, Facebook, and the Girl Mom Podcast.